In alignment with the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH)
announced new guidance with
State Cohort FAQ that permits schools to provide targeted, specialized support and services to children and youth in small, stable cohorts, Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) has amended the School Closure Order to align with the State’s new guidance. Additionally, SCPH has updated its FAQs for schools.
Earlier this week, Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) released our
elementary school waiver application packet. Elementary schools (TK-6) wishing to apply for a waiver to conduct in-person instruction must submit their completed application at least 14 days prior to their desired opening date.
Sacramento Public Health is also finalizing a program for school teachers and other school site staff to access dedicated, no-cost COVID-19 testing. Also, in a few weeks there will be a team of nurses to work exclusively with schools on contact tracing and disease investigation.
Sacramento County will adjust to evolving guidance and framework to work toward safely opening schools for in-person instruction and providing support to the children and families in our community.