Sacramento County announces that Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) has approved funding for fifteen transportation improvement projects – in the amount of $26.3 million – for the County’s roadway system.
According to Mike Penrose, Director, Department of Transportation, “This SACOG funding provides for projects that will do a great deal to improve Sacramento County’s transportation infrastructure. From funding for the Hazel Avenue widening project, to Old Florin Town revitalization, to numerous pavement rehabilitation and complete street(1) type projects, the unincorporated area roadway system will benefit from these improvements.”
Projects will be paid for by federal and state funds available through SACOG, and by local matching funds provided by Sacramento County. All projects are expected to begin construction by 2016. Below is a listing of approved projects, locations and funding amounts:
Location and SACOG Funding
1. Fair Oaks Blvd Improvements - Phase 3 (Marconi to Stanley). $3,913,000
2. Fair Oaks Blvd Bike & Pedestrian Mobility Project (Howe to Munroe). $1,416,500
3. Florin Creek Trail Bike and Pedestrian Improvements. $1,134,000
4. Garfield Avenue Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connectivity Project (Whitney to Madison). $2,213,200
5. Hazel Ave Improvement Project – Phase 3 (Sunset to Madison). $7,000,000
6. Old Florin Town Streetscape Improvements – Phase 2 (Power Inn to Florin-Perkins). $4,000,000
7. Eastern Ave: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (El Camino to Marconi). $599,400
8. El Camino Ave: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Howe to Fulton). $976,700
9. Folsom Blvd: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Butterfield to Bradshaw). $392,600
10. Marconi Ave: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Hwy 80 to Howe) $170,300
11. Sunrise Ave: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Gold Express to American River Bridge). $1,033,200
12. Fulton Ave – Phase 1: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Cottage to El Camino). $712,400
13. Fulton Ave – Phase 2: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Marconi to Auburn). $1,224,600
14. Fulton Ave – Phase 3: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (Arden to Cottage). $883,400
15. Fulton Ave – Phase 4: Complete Streets Rehabilitation (El Camino to Marconi). $730,300
Total $26,399,600
1. "Complete streets" are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work.