Several days of rain are forecasted beginning this Saturday. With autumn leaves blanketing our streets, raking leaves is the single best way to keep your neighborhood storm drains and gutters clear of debris and help limit street flooding.
The Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT) is gearing up its winter roadway maintenance program to help prevent street flooding and other potential hazardous roadway conditions as well. Crews are in the field every day, and residents are encouraged to report problems affecting roadways.
SACDOT provides quick response to reports of roadway maintenance incidents and hazards. Report the following roadway issues by calling 3-1-1 or 875-4311 or go online to SacCounty 311 Connect:
Flooded Roads: Maintenance crews respond immediately to flooded roads. If the flooded road cannot be cleared, signage will be placed to close the road and maintenance crews will work to continue to clear the roadway.
Plugged Storm Drains:
Above Ground: SACDOT maintenance crews will clear plugged storm drains with leaves or debris above ground.
Below Ground: Contact the Department of Water Resources, call 3-1-1 or 916-875-431, or download the Sac County 311 Connect mobile app, if the storm drain is plugged below ground. They will dispatch a crew with hand augers or a vacuum truck to dislodge and remove leaves and/or other debris from the below ground drain.
Plugged Culverts: SACDOT crews will use a vactor-truck to either vacuum out materials or jet-flush the culvert until it’s clear.
Trees or Fallen Branches in the Roadway: Maintenance crews will clear the material in the roadway that require immediate attention and move to the next urgent incident. Note: trees or branches that fall on private property are the responsibility of the property owner who can contact a private tree service for tree removal.
Traffic Signal Out: Signal and lighting technicians are dispatched immediately to make repairs to traffic signals that are out or malfunctioning.
Street Sign Down: Street signs that are knocked down in heavy weather or by a collision will be replaced immediately.
Street Light Out: When reporting a problem, include the property address or pole number that is located approximately 8 feet high on the pole.