To celebrate the construction startup of the Old Florin Town Streetscape Improvement Project, Supervisors Jimmie Yee, Phil Serna and Don Nottoli, the Department of Transportation (SACDOT), and Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) hosted a groundbreaking event. The project includes transportation enhancements that will create a pedestrian friendly environment to encourage further development along this popular corridor.
The project includes transportation enhancements based on the Old Florin Town Corridor Plan and Florin Road Streetscape Master Plan adopted by Sacramento County. The proposed improvements are considerate of the Old Florin Town Historical District and include many benefits to the surrounding community such as:
• Decorative features such as water tower features, landscaping and plaza
enhancements to represent the unique identity of Old Florin Town
• Improved pedestrian safety - installing sidewalks, decorative street lighting,
two traffic signals and crossings at Florin Road and McComber Street and at
Florin Road and Pritchard Road/McCurdy Lane.
• Improved mobility for all travel modes
• Installing ADA accessible curb ramps, bicycle lanes, and bus turnouts.
• Increased traffic safety with a modified railroad crossing and new flashing
beacons and crossing arms.
Project construction costs are $3.3 million and are financed with Federal Transportation Funds provided by the SACOG Community Design Program, Community Development Block Grant funds provided by SHRA and local matching funds.
For more information about this project, visit
Writer: Brenda Bongiorno, Communication and Media Staff