In recognition of National Adoption Awareness Month, Sacramento County participated in two adoption events in November. The Heart Gallery of Sacramento hosted their annual Gala at the Citizen Hotel where their amazing volunteer photographers captured the spirit and personality of children living in foster care. The photos serve as a reminder that these children are not simply a statistical data point, but vulnerable children who just want someplace they can call home.
The event was attended by families who have either already adopted or are looking into it. Often times with adoption, people don’t always know what the steps are; The Heart Gallery and the supporting agencies help people take the next step in the adoption process. One couple in attendance spent time with a volunteer inquiring about one of the children in the photos; a connection that was made possible by this event.
The County also participated in the four-hour Calling Out of Names vigil at the State Capitol. Elected officials, community leaders, and child advocates gathered together to read aloud the names and ages of every child in California currently awaiting a permanent home. Almost 33,000 names were read, each name a reminder to us all about how important it is for us to take action and keep the implicit promise of permanency to these children.
“During this month of giving thanks, this vigil is a wonderful way for the community to come together to raise awareness of and hope for those children who are awaiting permanent homes,” said Sherri Z. Heller, Sacramento County Director of Health and Human Services.
Read more about Sacramento County Adoption/Foster Care services.