Reminder: Hazel Avenue Lane Closures (Curragh Downs Drive to Sunset Avenue)
Weekend Paving Operations: Weather permitting, starting Friday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m., there will be asphalt paving operations on Hazel Avenue between Curragh Downs Drive to Sunset Avenue. Similar operations will also take place starting Friday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. Traffic impacts will be as follows:
- One lane of traffic in each direction will be open at all times.
- The lane closures will impact all northbound and southbound traffic on Hazel Avenue including vehicles and bicycles.
- Bicycle access will be provided to the best extent possible.
- Lane closures will be reopened to the public on Monday, Nov. 13, at 6 a.m. For the second weekend of paving operations, lane closures will be reopened on Monday, Nov. 20, at 6 a.m.
Project Schedule: The anticipated completion date for the project remains late spring 2018. Learn more about the entire Hazel Avenue Improvement project
Your Patience is Appreciated: Sacramento County understands the challenges and inconvenience experienced by commuters, residents, businesses, bicyclists, and pedestrians during construction. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as crews work to finish this project. For your safety and workers safety, please be aware of crews if you travel through the project area.
Contact Information: If you need more information about the project, or are visually impaired and need alternative formats for the information please contact
Steve White, Project Manager at 916-874-5354 or