Sacramento, CA – The media is invited to the County Board Chambers on Tuesday, April 12 to see the live results of the six-week civic-tech challenge, Hack4Sac. The challenge has brought talent from the public together with ideas and data to tackle the real-life needs of residents and businesses within Sacramento County.
Closing Event for Hack4Sac
Solutions Revealed: Software app or concept that addresses a community need
Teams formed from technical and non-technical participants have a chance at prizes:
$5,000; $3,000; $2,000 – plus, live-mobile-device-polling for Audience Choice - Honorable Mention
Solutions judged for: Innovation and creativity; user-friendliness, usability, and accessibility; feasibility and sustainability of implementation; and applicability to Sacramento County and use of
Open Data sets.
JUDGES: Todd Sander, Vice President of Research & Executive Director at e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government; Rami Zakaria, Sacramento County Chief Information Officer and Director of the Department of Technology; and
Timothy Potter, Apache Contributor, PMC Member, Open Source Advocate and Senior Software Engineer at Lucidworks
Tuesday, April 12, 6-9 p.m.
6:30 p.m. – Submission Presentations of Proposed Solutions by Participants
7:30 p.m. – Judge Deliberation/Pizza & Soda
8:00 p.m. – Prize Announcement / Live Polling for Audience Choice - Honorable Mention
Sacramento County Administration Building, Board Chambers
700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Free parking is available starting at 5:45 at the 2-story parking garage located at 725 7th Street. Entrance is located near the intersection of 7th and G Streets.
Product/Solution Demo - Participants have 3-5 minutes to explain a challenge that has been tackled, what was done, technology leveraged, who/how it will help, and why it is a winner.
Prize announcement and live-online-polling for audience choice award for honorable mention