The Sacramento County Health Order has been amended to move into the State’s less restrictive Red Tier 2 (substantial) effective Sep. 29, at 3 p.m., from its previous designation of Purple Tier 1 (widespread).
The tiered system has criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities of a county to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and for re-opening of business sectors. Based on specific COVID-19 indicators, counties are required to remain in an assigned tier for a minimum of three weeks and meet criteria for the next tier for two consecutive weeks before being able to advance to the next tier.
As of Sep. 29, Sacramento County had a daily case rate of 6.6 per 100,000 and positivity rate of 4.6 percent, for the second consecutive week, which meets criteria for placement in Red Tier 2 (substantial).
“I’m grateful to all of our public health professionals and especially the people of Sacramento County for heeding all the necessary directives to ensure we slow the virus and save lives together,” said Board Chairman and First District Supervisor Phil Serna. “While progressing into the Red Tier marks significant progress, complacency remains our common enemy and we must continue to stay vigilant to protect the health of our friends, family and neighbors,” he continued.
In alignment with Red Tier 2, the following sectors are permitted for “OUTDOOR operations only” until further notice. These sectors must maintain mitigation measures (social distancing, face coverings and sanitization):
- Family Entertainment Centers (e.g. bowling alleys, miniature golf, batting cages and arcades)
- Cardrooms, satellite wagering
- Wineries
- Bars, pubs, brewpubs, breweries and distilleries may operate outdoors, only if they offer sit-down, outdoor meals
Outdoor operations may be conducted under a tent, canopy or other sun shelter with no more than one side closed.
In alignment with Red Tier 2, the following sectors are permitted to open for “INDOOR operations with modifications.” These sectors must maintain mitigation measures (social distancing, face coverings and sanitization) and specific modifications in parenthesis below:
- All retail (maximum 50% capacity)
- Critical infrastructure (
- Gyms and fitness centers (maximum 10% capacity)
- Hair salons and barbershops
- Movie theaters (maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer)
- Museums, zoos, aquariums (maximum 25% capacity)
- Nail salons and physician-ordered electrolysis operations
- Personal care services (e.g. body waxing, estheticians)
- Places of worship (maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer)
- Professional sports (without live audiences)
- Restaurants (maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer) (Sacramento County Recommends: Only members of a household should eat together inside a restaurant)
- Shopping centers (e.g. malls, destination centers, swap meets, excluding food courts and common areas) (maximum 50% capacity)
The next less restrictive tier is Orange Tier 3 (moderate) and allows for greater capacity for reopening business sectors. To meet the criteria, Sacramento County must reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and positivity rate (1-3.9 per 100,000 daily cases / 2-4.9 percent positive tests). Later this week, be sure to look forward to getting details about the “Turn Sacramento County Orange by Halloween” campaign. To learn more about the State’s Tier system and specific allowable activities for Sacramento County, visit the
State of California's COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy website.