With temperatures on the rise, Sacramento County reminds you take precautionary steps to keep yourself, your family, your neighbors and your pets cool, and remember to check on seniors and those with mobility issues at least twice a day.
Keep as cool and hydrated as possible; drink plenty of water, get some relief from the heat for a couple of hours a day, and limit outside activities if possible. Cooling down a few hours a day will allow the body to recover and tolerate the heat better for the rest of the day.
Dr. Kasirye, Public Health Officer for Sacramento County, reminds everyone of options for places to cool down include shopping malls, community centers, public libraries, coffee shops and friends’ homes.
“It’s especially important for elderly and other at-risk individuals to take precautions to avoid heat stress because they may not adjust well to sudden changes in temperature, and are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that make them more prone to complications due to heat stress.” Social Workers with the Department of Health and Human Services in the Senior and Adult Services section regularly monitor their clients during heat spells.
Tips for Beating the Heat:
- Drink plenty of water and avoid very cold drinks
- Take cool showers to lower your body temperature
- Limit your exposure to the sun – stay indoors where it is air-conditioned or go a public place that is air conditioned
- Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing
Warning signs of heat exhaustion include:
- Heavy sweating
- Paleness
- Muscle cramps
- Tiredness
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fainting
Warning signs for heat stroke are severe and include:
- High body temperature
- Absence of sweating and hot red or flushed dry skin
- Rapid pulse
- Difficulty breathing
- Strange behavior
- Hallucinations
- Confusion
- Agitation
- Disorientation
- Seizure
- Coma
About your Pets: (Cats and dogs do not have the ability to sweat; they cool their bodies off by panting and through the pads of their feet, so when the weather is extremely hot it is much harder for your pet to cool off. )
- Never leave your pet in a parked car: Even cracking a window won’t protect your pets. It is against the law in California and could be punishable by a fine.
- Avoid extreme heat: When temperatures get above the 90s, take your pet inside. For outdoor pets, be sure to provide them with plenty of fresh, cold water in a tip-proof water dish and shade for them to cool down.
- Don’t exercise with your pets when it is too hot: Older and certain long-haired dogs can be particularly susceptible to heat, and hot asphalt can burn their paws. Exercise in the early morning or evenings and make sure both of you have plenty of water.
- Don’t take your pets to crowded summer events: The heat, noise, and crowds can be overwhelming to your pet. It is best to leave them at home in a quiet, cool environment.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any severe symptoms, call 9-1-1 immediately.
For information and referrals regarding any social service need, residents can call 2-1-1.
For information on public transit, call (916) 321-2877.