A ribbon-cutting event with Supervisor Jimmie Yee, Supervisor Don Nottoli, and officials from the Sacramento County Department of Transportation, Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) and the North Franklin District Business Association was hosted November 17 to celebrate construction completion for Phase 2 of the Franklin Boulevard Streetscape Improvement Project. This Phase 2 project is part of continuing efforts to help revitalize the Franklin Boulevard corridor with new landscaping, enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and increased traffic safety.

“It's all part of the effort to improve this neighborhood to retain new business and at the same time attract new business,” said Supervisor Yee whose district includes Franklin Boulevard. “The new improved Capital Commerce Center located on the former Campbell Soup property is just the beginning and I look forward to this being a bustling community in a few years with many jobs. And that's what we're looking for, jobs, jobs, jobs. That's what will rebuild our economy.”
“The street and sidewalk improvements will create a more vital and more vigorous business setting not only for the merchants that have long been established here on the boulevard,” said Supervisor Nottoli, “but that we'll see with new employers that will come here to the Capital Commerce Center.”
The Phase 2 project includes improvements recommended in the SHRA Franklin Boulevard Urban Design Master Plan. In 2008, construction of a Phase 1 project between Turnbridge Drive and 47th Avenue was completed using federal transportation and community development block grant funds provided by SHRA.
“SHRA's redevelopment commitment with this community goes back for two decades, investing more than $25 million in improvements before redevelopment ended in 2012,” said SHRA Executive Director La Shelle Dozier. “Even though redevelopment is gone, it still applies to revitalization and we're still working hard in this community. We are looking for federal opportunities such as the Promise Zone Initiative so that we can continue to build on the work that has taken place in this area.”
The new project constructed additional streetscape and landscape enhancements along Franklin Boulevard from 400 feet south of 47th Avenue north to the County line. Roadway improvements include curb, gutter, and sidewalks with accessible ramps, landscaped medians, energy-efficient LED street lighting, bicycle lanes, enhanced pedestrian street crossings, modification of the traffic signal at Franklin Boulevard and 47th Avenue, and various drainage modifications.
“In a district were one in five residents do not have a car and 39% are at or below poverty level this new streetscape will help people feel a lot better,” said Frank Cable, President of the North Franklin District Association.
The $2.1 million project was financed with Federal Transportation funds provided by the SACOG Community Design Program and Community Development Block Grant funds provided by SHRA.
Writer: Angela Jones, SHRA Public Information Officer