Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections announced a partnership with the Sacramento Kings to have Golden 1 Center serve as a Vote Center this November Election. Golden 1 Center will open as an 11-day Vote Center leading up to the Presidential Election on Nov. 3, 2020. The location will be the largest Vote Center in the county and allow for critical social distancing while still providing voters with all the needed services that Vote Centers offer.
At the Vote Center, any Sacramento County resident can:
- Drop off your completed ballot
- Get a new ballot printed to take home
- Vote in person
- Register to vote
- Update your registration
- Receive language assistance
- Use an accessible ballot marking device to vote
A voter anywhere in the state may drop off their voted ballot to Golden 1 Center.
In addition to providing the arena at no cost to the County, the Kings will also provide free parking in the Downtown West Garage to individuals accessing the Vote Center, which will open Saturday, Oct. 24 and run through Election Day, Nov. 3.
Golden 1 Center is the first professional sports venue in the state to announce plans to serve as a Vote Center. In addition to its partnership with the County, the Kings are working with the California Secretary of State’s office to amplify poll worker recruitment and education efforts, increase awareness around voting timelines and requirements, and host a virtual voter registration workshop for employees. The Kings plan to offer up staff to train as Election clerks to staff the Vote Center.
“We are incredibly excited to work in partnership with the Sacramento Kings and the Golden 1 Center to host a Vote Center for the November election,” said Sacramento County Registrar of Voters Courtney Bailey. “Access to a large, state of the art facility such as Golden 1 Center helps us ensure accessibility and proper social distancing, while also providing our residents the voting services they need. We’re grateful to the Sacramento Kings for reaching out to us to help facilitate this partnership.”
COVID-19 precautions in Vote Centers
Election officials will be provided with:
- Training on new protocols
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Written, worksite specific COVID-19 prevention plans
- Contact information for the local Public health office and information collection directions if a worker is diagnosed with COVID-19
- Cleaning and disinfection protocols
- Configuration plans for physical distancing (traffic flow, physical barriers etc.)
Every Vote Center will:
- Be assessed for size, maximum capacity to maintain social distancing and traffic flow
- Equipped with disinfection materials and protocol for disinfecting shared spaces
- Signage for:
- Physical distancing reminders
- Flow of traffic directions
- Reminders about sanitation and hand washing
For more information about Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections,
visit our website.