Having clean roads and sidewalks is important for livable communities, and Sacramento County is moving forward with efforts to increase cleanup activities for unincorporated area streets and sidewalks. Enhanced cleanup activities include:
Removing Illegal Signage: Plastic signs reading “We buy houses,” “Cash for Your Home,” “Need extra money,” and “Garage sale,” can be seen in most business districts and on busy County streets.
Sacramento County Transportation (SACDOT) is removing these unsightly signs from telephone and utility poles, fences, and traffic light poles within the County right-a-way. Businesses that put A-frame signs or other types of signage in the right-of-way are also in violation of County Code. Prior to removing the signs, efforts are made to contact the people who are in violation of the County Code so they can remove their signs; if sign owners cannot be located, the signs will be removed and disposed of.
Graffiti Removal: For years SacDOT has been removing graffiti on County maintained bridges, soundwalls, overpasses, fences and other County owned property that is maintained for road purposes. Now, SacDOT will work with private property owners to remove graffiti from their property. A Notice of Intent to Abate will be sent to property owners whose property is tagged with graffiti and they will have seven days to comply. If the property owner does not comply, a Notice to Abate will be sent by certified mail and if the owner does not comply, SACDOT crews may remove the graffiti.
Roadside Trash and Litter Pickup: In addition to ongoing cleanup activities, SACDOT is working with Sacramento County Sheriff and Probation community service crews to target and cleanup high-impact areas that have frequent incidents of trash and litter along roads and sidewalks.
Abandoned Shopping Cart Pickup: Sacramento County started program the year ago to round-up stray carts and return them to store owners or dispose of carts if owners cannot be identified. Since the program began, 300 to 400 carts are picked up each month.
Street sweeping services are also being increased. A contractor will sweep all arterial, residential, and non-residential streets on a monthly basis.
Crews are out on the road Monday to Friday every week actively looking for cleanup issues and you can help by reporting incidents of illegal signage, graffiti, roadside trash and stray shopping carts. It’s easy: just call 311 or 875-4311 or report online at