In the last two days, there has been an increase of 51 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sacramento County. As of March 27, at 11 a.m., there is a total of 164 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and those who have died of complications of COVID-19 is six (Individuals who died from complications of COVID-19 were either age 65+ or had underlying health conditions).
While those older than age 65 tend to have more severe complications of COVID-19, the 18-65-year-old group in Sacramento County has the highest rate of positive tests. Currently, there are 95 in the 18-65 age range, and for those over 65, there are 66 adults. For the 0-17 group, there are few, at three individuals. The overall average age is 56, and the age spread is 9 and 97 years old. Between the genders, there is less than a 2-percentage point difference, with more males than females testing positive.
“Although these numbers are unsettling, they are not surprising,” said Dr. Peter Beilenson, Director of the Sacramento County Department of Health Services. “Together, using social distancing, we are reducing new cases today, which will stagger the rate of cases in the weeks to come.”
If we are to move the needle on reducing new COVID-19 cases, Beilenson says, there are promising models that show an exponential impact on suppressing new cases if we can continue to reduce our social contact as the Health Order directs.
“A Health Order like this is unprecedented so it is to be expected that there would be a learning curve – but the most important action people can take is to stay home, don’t gather with others, be sure to keep your six-foot distance, and clean your hands and surfaces often,” said Beilenson.
Sacramento County Departments are working to share helpful information.