The County’s Transportation Department (SacDOT) held a groundbreaking event to celebrate the startup of Phase 2 of the Franklin Boulevard Streetscape Improvement Project. SacDOT, Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), and North Franklin Boulevard Business Association hosted the event to kickoff construction for the new transportation facilities along Franklin Boulevard from 47th Avenue to the County line.
The new phase of construction project will improve this vital street with increased mobility, safety and enhanced appearance to benefit motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists; and is a springboard for economic development of the surrounding community.
Project upgrades will include:
Curb, gutter, and sidewalks with accessible ramps
Landscaped medians
Street lighting
Bicycle lanes
Enhanced pedestrian street crossings
Modification of the traffic signal at Franklin Blvd and 47th Avenue
Various drainage modifications
Speakers included Sacramento County Supervisor Jimmie Yee; Director of SacDOT, Mike Penrose; La Shelle Dozier, SHRA Executive Director; and Frank Cable, President of the North Franklin Boulevard Business Association.
The total project cost is estimated to be $2.1 million, financed with Federal Transportation funds provided by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Community Design Program, and Community Development Block Grant funds provided by SHRA. The project is expected to be completed September 2014.
Construction of Phase 1, between Turnbridge Drive and 47th Avenue, was completed in 2008 using federal and community development block grant funds.
For more information about this project, visit the SacDOT website.
Writer: Danielle Spang, Communication and Media Intern