As warmer weather approaches, residential areas may see an increase in critters and rodents searching for water and food. Rather than utilizing poison or traps that can harm children or other animals, cats are a natural and environmentally friendly way to control rodent populations.
Bradshaw Animal Shelter’s
Barn Cat Program utilizes feral cats that are too wild and fearful to be handled by humans and puts them to work in yards, warehouses, garages, barns, stables and other outdoor structures to control rodent populations.
Adoption fees are waived for Barn Cats. They are spayed/neutered, micro-chipped and vaccinated. Owners only need to provide daily food, water, protection from the elements and long-term care.
“You don’t need to have a barn to take advantage of our Barn Cat Program,” said Dave Dickinson, Director of Bradshaw Animal Shelter. “The cats are ready to go to work wherever people need them. Not only does the program provide non-toxic pest control, it also saves the lives of cats who would otherwise be considered unadoptable.”
Since the cats are strictly outdoor animals, potential adopters are encouraged to adopt Barn Cats in pairs to keep each other company.