The Board of Supervisors, at its Sept. 11 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Cynthia A. Nichol as Director of the
Sacramento County Airport System effective Oct. 22, 2018.
“After an extensive search, Ms. Nichol brings a diverse and extensive background in airport management that is well suited for Sacramento County,” said Nav Gill, County Executive. “Her experience has equipped her to lead the Sacramento County Airport System, and we are pleased to welcome her in her new role with the County.”
Ms. Nichol’s more than 30 years of executive experience in airport management includes public- and private-sector experience in airport operations, planning, capital project financing and development, revenue enhancement and rate setting.
From 2008-12, Ms. Nichol was the Finance Director for the San Francisco International Airport, where she was responsible for capital finance services including debt, passenger facility charges and grants; long-term capital plans and annual operating budgets; airport rates and charges; accounting services; audits and risk management.
Since 2012, Ms. Nichol has been the Chief Financial Officer for the Port of Portland, Oregon, where she and an executive team managed three airports, four marine terminals, five industrial parks and a dredge. She was responsible for establishing the Port’s financial direction, performing financial planning and analyses of all Port business dealings and Port-wide contracting.
She was also responsible for communicating fiscal policies and financial performance to the Port Commission, airlines, investors, rating agencies and other stakeholders.
Ms. Nichol holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton College, Minnesota, a Master in African Studies degree from the University of London, and a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University.