The County Board of Supervisors will provide $1 million through the 2020 TOT Grant Program to support nonprofit organizations located in Sacramento County that carry out community-based programs and/or services in the areas of economic and workforce development, arts and culture, community development, or health and human services. The County began setting aside funding for this purpose in 2017.
Grants will be allocated through a competitive process and applicants must meet
eligibility and funding requirements. Applications will be
accepted online beginning Nov. 6 through the County’s Office of Budget and Debt Management with a
deadline of Dec. 7, 2020.
Funding for the TOT Grant Program will come from County Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenues. Transient Occupancy Taxes are levied on guests who occupy rooms in hotels, motels and other temporary lodging accommodations in the unincorporated area of the County.
2020 TOT Grant Program Application Dates & Details
Grant DEADLINE: Dec. 7, 2020, 5 p.m.
Grant Application Period: Nov. 6 – Dec. 7, 2020
- All applications and documentation requested in the announcement must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Dec. 7, 2020.
- Online Applications Only: all applications are only accepted electronically: Apply online beginning Nov. 6.
- Duplicate and incomplete applications will be disqualified.
- Applicants will receive electronic receipt notification upon submission.
Grant Program and Application Virtual Workshop: Nov. 9, 2020
- The workshop includes a review of the following:
- Grant program and review process
- Application including what the Evaluation Panel looks for
- Timeline and submission information
- Frequently asked questions
Grant Application Review Period
Nov. 6 – Dec. 7, 2020:
County staff will review applications for completeness and compliance with minimum eligibility requirements. Applicants will be notified electronically if proposals do not meet the minimum qualifications and moved to the evaluation process.
January/February 2021
Subject Area Expert Panel Application Review: Subject area experts will review, evaluate, and rank qualifying applications.
Grantee Award Approval
March 2021
Grant Program Hearing Notification: Applicants will receive a second electronic notification of schedule for the Board of Supervisors Hearing where recommended award selections will be made.
The Board of Supervisors will make the final determination and approval for all TOT Grant Program recipients.
Budget & Debt Management will notify applicants of funding selections within 5 business days of Board Hearing approval. All notifications will be made electronically.
Budget & Debt Management will draft and administer agreements between the County and grantees.