When you are out and about in unincorporated Sacramento County and you see illegal dumping or a sidewalk that needs repairing, you can now just snap a photo from your mobile phone using the
SacCounty 311 Connect mobile app to pinpoint the location to report it.
The mobile app uses coordinates of your phone’s location to geotag the photo and provides County staff with the exact location of the issue. This is especially helpful while in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County where there are fewer landmarks, addresses and road markers – even when you are along the parkways and bike trails.
“Ultimately, geolocation assists the department field units that are responding to provide services, even when a physical street address or an intersection is not accurate enough to successfully find the reported issue, especially if not visible from the right-of-way. Addresses are helpful but it is much more efficient when we have a pinpointed location where the app user snapped the photo and witnessed the issue,” said Chief of Customer Services Deidre Andrus.
When on the go, use the Sac County 311 Connect app to report a pothole, abandoned vehicle, or illegal dumping. The app makes service requests or reporting issues easier than ever because app users do not need to take any additional steps. After you take a picture, the geo-located information and date/timestamp are automatically are embedded in the photo upon submission of the service request.
Here’s a sample photo of a recent service request submitted through the SacCounty 311 Connect app:
Sacramento County 311 Connect handles hundreds of questions 24 hours a day, every day and provides a variety of County services. Continually working to improve the 311 service, the County added the geolocation enhancement feature in early December based on feedback and suggestions from residents.
311 also integrates all County municipal service departments for seamless transfer of service requests. Those requests go directly to the appropriate department to handle the request. Sacramento County’s 311 Connect also has online self-service customer features:
- Request Services Online that route your request to the appropriate department for handling after answering a few questions
- Receive a case number with completion estimate
- Interactive Map to pinpoint the exact location and view Nearby Requests
- Track and update your Service Requests Online
- Self-Service Knowledge Base to quickly access service information and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Provide feedback about the information provided
When you contact 311 Connect, friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives are available to answer questions, route calls and manage cases for verification and resolution.
Not sure what you can report to 311?
Non-Emergency 311 Connect Service Request Types:
- Abandoned vehicles and shopping carts
- Animal issues - stray, deceased
- Culvert/pipe repair or cleaning
- Curb, gutter or sidewalk repair
- Ditch cleaning
- Drainage problem
- Illegal dumping - garbage, trash
- Missed garbage collection service
- Occupied outbuilding
- Graffiti
- Potholes
- Street light out
- Street sign down
- Substandard housing conditions - no water, utilities, deficient building, surfacing sewage
- Tobacco - selling to minors
- Traffic signal timing
- Tree trimming
Top Service Requests:
- Illegal Dumping
- Missed Refuse Services
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Barking Dogs
- Yard Parking/Junk & Rubbish on Private Property