Planning and Development

  • Land Use and Planning
    • Business Incentive ProgramFalse

      The County of Sacramento is a great place to work and offers a variety of incentive programs to encourage businesses to expand or locate here. View the Programs page.

      Service Provided By:
      Economic Development
      700 H St, Room 7650 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814-1280
      916-874-5220 or e-m​ail

    • Environmental Review and AssessmentFalse

      Planning and Environmental Review implements the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for public and private development projects.​​​ Visit Environmental​ Protection for more information.

      Service Provided By: 
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or ​E-m​ail

    • General Planning InformationFalse

      Planning and Environmental Review provides technical services and general planning information to the public in-person at the Building Assistance Center and through email at Please review the Frequently​ Asked Questions​ for information on parcels, zoning and general development standards such as setback, height, and size. ​​​ 

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      Building Assistance Center - Information, Applications, and Submittal Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.​
      827 7th St, Room 102 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814

    • Maps and SurveysFalse

      Assist property owners and developers in the subdivision​ of land, lot line adjustment, parcel merger and lawful parcel processes; assist with laws and  codes; review and approve maps and legal descriptions for conformance with County standards and good survey practices; and repository of all "unfiled/unrecorded" maps and documents. Provide design surveys and construction staking for Capitol Improvement Projects (CIP). Visit our Surveys website or contact us at 916-874-6546 for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      County Engineering
      827 7th Street, Room 101
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6546 or e-m​ail
      8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

    • Starting A New BusinessFalse

      ​All business license applications are reviewed by Planning and Environmental Review to ensure the type of business you want to start is permitted in the zoning district you want to operate in. Before submitting your business license application with the Finance Department, it is recommended that you verify that your proposed business will be permitted. This can be verified in-person at the Building Assistance Center or via email at​

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or ​E-​m​ail

    • Submitting a Planning ApplicationFalse

      Planning and Environmental Review staff provides direction to clients customers and applicants  regarding planning application types and fees and accepts applications through our public email line,, and at the Building Business Assistance Center. Application submittals are accepted electronically through an intake email at, or in-person at the Building Assistance Center.

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environ​​​​​​mental Review
      Building Assistance Center - Information, Applications, and Submittal Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.​
      827 7th St, Room 102 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814

    • Unincorporated County JurisdictionTrue

      ​The zoning and land use regulations found on the Sacramento County website are limited to properties in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County only. Properties located within the boundaries of the seven incorporated cities are subject to those City's specific land use regulations. 

      Parcel Viewer is a GIS software that identifies the jurisdiction of properties within Sacramento County. All you need to do is search an address or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) and you can find the jurisdiction under "Property Information" on the left-hand side. If the jurisdiction​ is "unincorporated area of Sacramento County," you're in the right place.

      If the jurisdiction is a city, visit City Planning Department to get the correct City Planning Department's contact information. 

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or ​E-m​ail

    • Zoning Code HelpFalse

      ​All private development within the unincorporated Sacramento area is subject to the standards of the Sacramento County Zoning Code. Before making physical changes to your property or starting a new business, it is recommended that you contact Planning and Environmental Review to confirm that the changes are permitted. We are available in-person at the Building Assistance Center or via email at

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      Building Assistance Center - Information, Applications, and Submittal Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.​
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814

    • Zoning Code UpdatesFalse

      The Sacramento County Zoning Code is subjected to periodic review and revisions. The current Zoning Code is available on the Zoning Code webpage. Please contact Planning and Environmental Review to obtain information regarding any recent Code revisions. View the Zoning​ Code page for more information.

      Building Assistance Centers​ - Information, Applications, and Submittal Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street, Room 225 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814

  • Projects
    • Planning Projects in Your NeighborhoodTrue

      The Planning Projects Viewer web application is a map of in-process and past planning applications. Planning applications can be located in map-view or through searching by project control number, address, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), or other project information. Project documentation including applications, exhibits, reports, environmental documents, and hearing materials can be reviewed on this web application. ​This interactive map only displays planning projects located within the unincorporated areas of the County and does not include projects for the cities within the County. ​

      The geographic boundaries of the County of Sacramento include seven incorporated Cities within​ the County​ Development projects within City limits are under the jurisdiction of those City's respective Planning Department​.

      Parcel Viewer​ can be used to determine what jurisdiction​ a property is located in.  View the Unincorporated Area County map​.

      ​Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      Planning Services, 827 7th Street, Room 225 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or e-mail

    • Process Planning ApplicationsFalse

      ​​Planning and Environmental Review staff reviews, processes, and facilitates hearings for planning applications, including but not limited to Use Permits, Special Development Permits, Tentative Parcel and Subdivision Maps, and Rezones. A staff planner will be assigned as Project Manager for each planning application and is primary point-of-contact for the County as the project is processed.​​

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or ​E-m​ail

  • Special Districts Section
    • Financing Districts Administration (Mello Roos Community Facilities Districts/Development Impact Fee Programs)False

      Provide tax/assessment information: levy amounts, sunset dates.  Calculate fee, credit and reimbursement amounts.  See Financing Districts and Impact Fee Programs website​ for information of the applicable Districts/Programs administered by the Special Districts Section including: boundaries, Rate and Method of Apportionments, Impact Fee Program Nexus Studies, Fee Schedules, Engineers Reports, and Annual Reports.

      Service Provided By:
      County Engineering
      827 7th Street, Room 225B
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6525 or e-m​ail
      8:30 AM - 4:30 PM