Online Services

  • Adult
    • Disease ReportingTrue

      The Sacramento County Public Health Division has implemented a Confidential Morbidity Reporting system (WebvCMR) that allows health providers to report cases of communicable disease directly to Public Health. View the Disease Reporting web page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      Health Services
      7001-A East Parkway, Ste. 600 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95823
      916-875-5881 or e-mail

  • Adult and Juvenile Justice
    • Citizens AcademyTrue

      The District Attorney's Citizens Academy was created to improve communication, foster a better understanding and develop relationships between citizens and members of the criminal justice system.  Participants receive an overview of the criminal justice system and engage in discussion and mutual learning about challenges and issues within the justice system. Visit the Citizens Academy webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6218 or e-mail

    • Speakers BureauTrue

      The District Attorney's Speakers Bureau matches members of the District Attorney's Office with community groups and organizations wishing to learn more about various aspects of the criminal justice system. Entities such as neighborhood organizations, educational institutions, faith-based groups, and clubs or organizations can request a speaker. Visit the Speakers Bureau ​​webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6218 or e-mail

    • Youth ProgramsTrue

      The District Attorney's Office offers several youth programs, including the Youth Academy and Criminal Justice Shadow Day.  They are designed to increase youth’s engagement in public safety programs, strengthen trust between youth and law enforcement and educate youth about the criminal justice system. Visit the Community Pro​​grams w​e​b page​​​ for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814 
      916-874-6218 or e-m​ail

  • Air Travel
  • Animal/Insect Problem
    • Animal Abuse ReportingTrue

      If you see or encounter instances of animal abuse, visit 311 ​On​line, call 3-1-1 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas:
      916-875-4311 to report the instance. You may also contact the Animal Shelter.

      Please get as much information as possible to report to the dispatcher.

      Service Provided By:
      Animal Care Services​
      3839 Bradshaw Rd (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827​
      311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311 or e-m​ail

  • Bids and Contracts with the County
    • SacCountyBids – bids/contracts for goods, services, professional consultants & constructionTrue

      Sacramento County’s Contract and Purchasing Services Division bids and contracts for goods and services, professional consultants, and public works construction projects. This Division also manages the sale and disposal of personal property declared as surplus. Visit the Contract and Purchasing website.

      Service Provided By:
      General ​Ser​vices
      9660 Ecology Lane (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827

  • Billing
    • Pay Utility BillTrue

      Your utility bill can be paid using many different payment options. View Paying Y​our Bill for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      ​Finance, Consolidated Utilities Billing & Service (CUBS)​ 
      10481 Armstrong Avenue, Suite 210
      Mather, CA  95655
      Office Hours​
      Monday - Friday (Excluding County Holidays)
      8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
      Contact Us​

    • Payment of Court Ordered Fines and FeesTrue

      Restitution, aid over payments, and any other obligation referred to Revenue Recovery​ 

      ​Credit card payments are accepted via phone or online via Payment Express. Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, and e-checks are accepted. View Revenue Recovery for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      P.O. Box 1197
      Sacramento, CA 95812-1197
      (916) 875-7500

      Payment Mailing Address:
      Revenue Recovery
      P.O. Box 1086
      Sacramento, CA 95812-1086

      Office Hours
      Monday - Friday (Excluding County Holidays)
      8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    • Rates and FeesTrue

      The Sacramento County Water Agency provides drinking water to more than 55, 000 households and businesses within 12 separate service areas in the unincorporated County and the cities of Elk Grove and Rancho Cordova. For more information, visit Rates ​and Fees.

      For Billing inquiries please contact Consolidated Utilities Billing Service (CUBS).

      To Report Water Service-Related Issues, call 3-1-1 (outside unincorporated county, call: 916-875-4311). 

      Service Provided By:
      Water​​ Resources
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      3-1-1 (Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311)

  • Certificates and Public Records
    • Birth CertificatesTrue

      Sacramento County can only issue birth certificates for children born in Sacramento County since 1850. Certificates for births prior to 1850 are not available. Newborn certificates are available approximately 4 weeks after the birth date. Call our office at 874-6334 to verify that the record is available prior to your visit.​ ​View the Birth Certificates page for more information.

      If you have questions, please contact us.

      Service Provided By:​
      County Clerk/Recorder
      3636 American River Drive, Ste 110 (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95864

      South Service Center 
      8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite A​
      Sacramento, CA 95828
      North of Calvine​​ Road by CARMAX
      Hours & Location​

      Service Provided By:
      Health Services
      7001 East Parkway, Suite 650 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95823

      (For a birth in Sacramento County this year or last year only)

    • Death CertificatesTrue

      Sacramento County can only issue certificates for deaths which occurred in Sacramento County since 1850. Certificates for deaths prior to 1850 are not available. Death certificates are available approximately 4 weeks after the date of death. Call our office at 874-6334 to verify that the record is available prior to your visit.​ ​​​View the Death Certificate page for more information.

      If you have questions, please contact us.​

      Service Provided By:
      County Clerk/Recorder
      3636 American River Drive, Ste 110 (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95864

      South Service Center
      8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite A
      Sacramento, CA 95828
      North of Calvine Road by CARMAX
      Hours & Location

    • Deeds, Liens, Deeds of Trust, and Reconveyances SearchTrue

      Online public access is available to Sacramento County's Index of Recorded Documents from 1849 to current. The online index is useful for identifying documents of interest for further research or to order copies. You will not be able to view the actual document.​ The most commonly recorded documents are: Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Deeds of Reconveyance, Assignments of a Deed of Trust, and Liens.

      ​If you have questions, please Contact us.

      Service Provided By:
      County Clerk/Recorder
      3636 American River Drive, Ste 110 (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95864

      South Service Center
      8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite A
      Sacramento, CA 95828
      North of Calvine Road by CARMAX
      Hours & Location​​​

    • Marriage License/Certificate (Application)True

      It's encouraged that an appointment is made for a marriage license and ceremony to eliminate wait time as long as two hours.  You can view the appointment calendar, schedule an appt. and complete your application online

      If you have questions, please view the Eligibility Requirements or contact us.

      Service Provided By:
      County Clerk/Recorder
      3636 American River Drive, Ste 110 (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95864
      916-874-6334 ​

      South Service Center
      8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite A
      Sacramento, CA 95828
      North of Calvine Road by CARMAX
      Hours & Location​

      You May Also Like...

    • Recorded Documents SearchTrue

      Online public access is available to Sacramento County's Index of Recorded Documents from 1849 to current. The online index is useful for identifying documents of interest for further research or to order copies. You will not be able to view the actual document.​ The most commonly recorded documents are: Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Deeds of Reconveyance, Assignments of a Deed of Trust, and Liens. 

      The most commonly recorded documents are:
      • Deeds
      • Deeds of Trust
      • Deeds of Reconveyance
      • Assignments of a Deed of Trust
      • Liens​
      If you have questions, please contact us.

      Service Provided By:
      County Clerk/Recorder
      3636 American River Drive, Ste 110 (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95864

      ​South Service Center
      8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite A
      Sacramento, CA 95828
      North of Calvine Road by CARMAX
      Hours & Location

    • Records ManagementTrue

      ​Retain, research and provide copies of permanent records in various forms of media (print, CD, e-file). Respond to Public Records Act (PRA) requests and general records requests from departments, agencies and public members. Provide online public access to official meeting records managed by the Clerk’s department.​

      Service Provided By:
      Clerk of the Board
      700 H Street, Suite 2450 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-8174 or e-​m​​ail

    • Security System Alarm PermitsTrue

      A permit is required in Sacramento County to connect or operate an alarm system within a business or residence. View the Alarm Ordinance Bureau​ page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      4500 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841

      Non-Emergency: 916-874-5115​

      TDD Non-Emergency: 916-874-7128​

  • Children and Families
    • Child Support Open a CaseTrue

      Cases are opened three ways:

      • If the family is receiving CalWORKs or MediCal benefits, the social services department will refer the case to the child support agency for opening.
      • If no CalWORKs is being paid to the family, either parent may ask the child support agency to open a case.
      • If there is a family in another state that is seeking support from someone in Sacramento County, the other state will open a case with the child support agency.

      View Opening​ a Case for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      Child Support Services

      3701 Power Inn Road (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95826

      (866) 901-3212 or e-​m​ail

  • Court Cases and Claims
    • Report Child AbductionsTrue

      Residents of Sacramento County with a current, valid custody order granting primary physical custody of a child believed to be abducted by a non-custodial parent may submit a violation of court ordered visitation report and request assistance from the District Attorney Child Abduction Unit. Visit the Child Abduction webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6218 or e-mail

  • Disposal/Recycling
  • Environment
    • Hazardous Waste SpillsTrue

      SACDOT crews respond to unincorporated area hazardous spills that occur on the roadway right-of-way. Incidents involving hazardous waste typically include containers or materials that may pose an unnecessary risk that have been illegally dumped on or along the roadway, or vehicle accident scenes where a large amount of material has been released. Call 311 or 875-4311 or report online.​​

      Service Provided By:
      4100 Traffic Way (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

  • Fraud
    • Consumer Fraud ComplaintsTrue

      The District Attorney's Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes unfair, fraudulent and dishonest business practices that harm consumers and honest businesses.  Citizens can submit a Consumer Fraud Complaint Form for the unit to review. Visit the Consumer​ Protection webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6218 or e-m​ail

    • Illegal Business Construction or OccupancyTrue

      Code Enforcement is the primary enforcement division for Sacramento County's zoning code in the unincorporated area, including all land use (residential, agricultural and commercial uses), building development standards, signage and more. 
      For more information, view the Zoning Enforcement page.​ 

      You can report an issue online, calling 3-1-1 from within the unincorporated areas of the County, or calling 916-875-4311 if calling from outside of the County’s unincorporated areas.

      Service Provided By:
      Code Enforcement
      9700 Goethe Road, Suite A (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

    • Insurance Fraud ComplaintsTrue

      The District Attorney's Insurance Fraud Unit handles workers' compensation fraud, automobile insurance fraud, and organized automobile fraud cases. A team of attorneys, investigators, and clerical support staff are dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of these types of fraud crimes. Citizens can report suspected insurance fraud for the unit to review. Visit the Insurance Fraud webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-4698 or e-m​ail

    • Real Estate Fraud ComplaintsTrue

      The District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit serves as a central reporting, investigative, and prosecution agency for real estate fraud in the city and county of Sacramento. Highly trained personnel can assist citizens with any questions or concerns about property and real estate fraud. Citizens can report suspected real estate fraud for the unit to review. Visit the Real Estate Fraud webpage for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      District Attorney
      901 G Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-9045 or e-m​ail

  • General Pet Care
  • Golf
    • Ancil Hoffman Golf CourseTrue

      Welcome to Sacramento County golf courses. Each course is carefully maintained to provide the finest golfing in northern California. ​View the Ancil Hoffman we​b site to book a tee time.

      ​Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (M​ap​)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-mail

      Ancil Hoffman Golf Course​
      6700 Tarshes Drive
      Carmichael, CA 95608

    • Campus Commons Golf CourseTrue

      Campus Commons is closed through 2024. Campus Commons Golf Center is a 9-hole executive length golf course in Sacramento, California. This short layout will reward good shots and provide a fun golf outing for everyone. ​

      Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (M​ap)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-m​ail​​

      Campus Commons Golf Course
      2 Cadillac Dr
      Sacramento, CA 95825

    • Cherry Island Golf CourseTrue

      Cherry Island is a picturesque public golf course that was designed in 1990 by distinguished golf course architect Robert Muir Graves to  challenge golfers of every ability level. Book a tee time online.  View the Cherry Island website for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      Regional​ Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (Map )
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-mail

      Cherry Island Golf Course
      2360 Elverta Rd.
      Elverta, CA 95626

    • Mather Golf CourseTrue

      Mather Golf Course provides the perfect round of golf all year round. Located on a former Air Force base, there are 18 holes of tree lined open fairways and medium sized greens. Book a tee time on the Mather Golf Course website.

      Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-​mail

      Mather Golf Course
      4103 Eagles Nest Road
      Mather, CA 95655

  • Inspections/Compliance
    • Food/Restaurant Inspection ResultsTrue

      Search for the most recent Food Facility/Restaurant Inspection information

      Service Provided By:
      Environmental Management
      10590 Armstrong Avenue (Map)
      Mather, CA 95655
      311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311 or e-mail

    • Housing Conditions ComplaintsTrue

      An officer will conduct an inspection within 72 business​ hours of the complaint for priority housing violations. For all others, an advisory letter will be mailed allowing thirty (30) days for the repairs/corrections to be made. After 30 days, the officer​ will contact the complainant to check on the status, and inspect the property if necessary. For more information, view the Housing Enforcement page.

      Report an issue

      Service Provided By:

      Development and Code Services
      827 7th St, Room 318 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

  • Land Use and Planning
    • Unincorporated County JurisdictionTrue

      ​The zoning and land use regulations found on the Sacramento County website are limited to properties in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County only. Properties located within the boundaries of the seven incorporated cities are subject to those City's specific land use regulations. 

      Parcel Viewer is a GIS software that identifies the jurisdiction of properties within Sacramento County. All you need to do is search an address or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) and you can find the jurisdiction under "Property Information" on the left-hand side. If the jurisdiction​ is "unincorporated area of Sacramento County," you're in the right place.

      If the jurisdiction is a city, visit City Planning Department to get the correct City Planning Department's contact information. 

      Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      827 7th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or ​E-m​ail

  • Library/Museum
    • Borrowing Books from other Law LibrariesTrue

      The library can arrange to borrow materials from other libraries for a patron through interlibrary loan. The library can arrange interlibrary loans with public, academic, and private libraries, both inside and outside of California There is a $5 processing fee for interlibrary loans.
      ​View the Interlibrary Loan page for more information.

      If you have questions, please contact us.

      Service Provided By:
      Law Library​
      609 9th St. (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814

  • Neighborhood
    • Crime ReportingTrue

      Allows citizens to submit an online report that occurs in the unincorporated Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova jurisdictions. View Crime Reporting page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      4500 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841

      Non-Emergency: 916-874-5115​

      ​​TDD Non-Emergency: 916-874-7128​

    • Rental Housing Inspection ProgramTrue

      The Rental Housing Inspection program was designed to inspect all residential rental properties within the unincorporated area of Sacramento County on a routine and comprehensive basis to assure the overall quality of the rental unit meets the requirements of the Health and Safety Code. This includes educating property owners, property managers and tenants about those requirements. For more information, visit the Rental Housing Inspection Program web page.

      You can report an issue by going online​​, dialing 3-1-1 from within the unincorporated areas of the County or dialing 916-875-4311 if calling from outside of the County’s unincorporated areas.

      Service Provided By:
      Code Enforcement
      9700 Goethe Road, Suite A (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827

    • Substandard Housing ProgramTrue

      The Substandard Housing Program responds to complaints initiated by occupants of rental units, Code Enforcement staff, and other internal/external agencies. We enforce the California Health and Safety code 17920.3 as well as other regulations relating to building violations, zoning violations and lack of proper maintenance to the dwelling units. For more information, visit the Substandard Housing Program web page.

      You can report an issue by going online, dialing 3-1-1 from within the unincorporated areas of the County or dialing 916-875-4311 if calling from outside of the County’s unincorporated areas.​

      ​Service Provided By:
      Code Enforcement
      9700 Goethe Road, Suite A (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827

    • Zoning EnforcementTrue

      Code Enforcement is the primary enforcement division for Sacramento County's zoning code in the unincorporated area, including all land use (residential, agricultural and commercial uses), building development standards, signage and more. For more information, visit the Zoning Enforcement web page.

      Report an issue Online​, call 3-1-1 from within the unincorporated areas of the County or dialing 916-875-4311 if calling from outside of the County’s unincorporated areas.

      ​Service Provided By:
      Code Enforcement
      9700 Goethe Road, Suite A (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827

  • Parks
    • Park Picnic Facility ReservationsTrue

      Sacramento County’s Parks currently host to a diverse range of events, including fundraisers, corporate games, weddings, fun runs, military field exercises and more. If you’re looking for an unusual location for your event, consider what we have to offer. ​​ View the Reservations Guidelines page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (M​ap​)
      Sacramento, CA 95827 ​
      916-875-6336 or e-mail

    • Parks A to Z listTrue

      Find information on all of the parks in our 15,000-acre regional parks system​.

      Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-mail

    • Parks Annual PassTrue

      The Parks PASSPORT is your ticket to our scenic regional parks. For as little as $70 per year, you and your household can enjoy recreation, relaxation and outdoor events at parks facilities located throughout Sacramento County.  View the Purchasing​ page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      Regional Parks
      10361 Rockingham Dr. (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      916-875-6961 or e-​mail

  • Permits and Inspection
    • Building Permit ServicesTrue

      You can now apply and pay for permits, receive fee estimates, schedule  inspections and check permit status online. By registering for a user account  and providing basic information, simple permits such as replacing water heaters or air condition/heaters can be processed online.
      For account set up and more information, visit our Online Permit system.

      Services Provided By:
      Building Permits and Inspection
      827 7th Street, Room 102 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - in person application cut off is 3:30 p.m.

      ​9700 Goethe Road, Suite A
      Sacramento, California 95827 (Map)
      Information Phone: 916-875-5296
      Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.​​ – in person application cut off is 3:30 p.m.​​​

      ​​You may also be interested in...

  • Permits and Licenses
    • Business License ApplicationTrue

      Sacramento County issues business licenses to regulate businesses operating in the unincorporated ar​ea of the County (the areas of the County not within city limits) to promote improved enforcement of ordinances that protect the public and ​prevent nuisances and neighborhood disturbances. The license is not a business tax and is not based on business revenue. View the Licensing page.

      If you have questions, please send us an e-mail.

      Service Provided By:
      700 H Street, Room 1710 (First Floor) (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6644 or e-mail

      You May Want to See...

    • Fictitious Business NamesTrue

      Sacramento County Fictitious Business Name Statements are filed in the County's Business License Unit. View Fictitious​ Business Name Search for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      700 H Street, Room 1710 (First Floor) (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6644 or e-mail

    • Mooring PermitTrue

      A permit issued by the Sheriff is required for any vessel to be moored, anchored, grounded, placed or otherwise located in any waterway of Sacramento County for a period exceeding fourteen (14) days. If location is in Sacramento City Police jurisdiction, call the Sacramento City Police Department Communication Center at 916 264-5471. View the Mooring Perm​it page.

      Service Provided By:
      Florin Station Road, Suite B, 7000 65th Street (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95823
      916-875-0493 (Office), 916-876-7549 (Fax)

  • Projects
    • Planning Projects in Your NeighborhoodTrue

      The Planning Projects Viewer web application is a map of in-process and past planning applications. Planning applications can be located in map-view or through searching by project control number, address, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), or other project information. Project documentation including applications, exhibits, reports, environmental documents, and hearing materials can be reviewed on this web application. ​This interactive map only displays planning projects located within the unincorporated areas of the County and does not include projects for the cities within the County. ​

      The geographic boundaries of the County of Sacramento include seven incorporated Cities within​ the County​ Development projects within City limits are under the jurisdiction of those City's respective Planning Department​.

      Parcel Viewer​ can be used to determine what jurisdiction​ a property is located in.  View the Unincorporated Area County map​.

      ​Service Provided By:
      Planning and Environmental Review
      Planning Services, 827 7th Street, Room 225 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      916-874-6141 or e-mail

  • Property and Assessments
    • E-Map-It (Property/Parcel Search)True

      Locate property, land use, service and political district information, along with locations and maps for area facilities and features. View the General Map Viewer to search for property information.

    • Request for Assessor ReviewTrue

      If your property's market value is less than its assessed value, you may file for an informal Assessor review. The filing period is July 2 to December 31​​​.

      ​Service Provided By:
      3636 American River Drive, Suite 200  (M​ap​)
      Sacramento, CA 95864-5952
      916-875-0700 or e-mail

    • Parcel Viewer-Property InformationTrue

      The Assessor's office maintains its own parcel maps for all property within Sacramento County. Property information​ and maps are available for review using Parcel Viewer.

      ​Service Provided By:
      3636 American River Drive, Suite 200  (M​ap​)
      Sacramento, CA 95864-5952
      916-875-0700 or e-mail

    • Pay Property TaxTrue

      The most recent secured annual property tax bill and direct levy information is available online, along with any bill(s) issued and/or due in the most recent fiscal tax year through e-Prop-Tax, Sacramento County's Online Property Tax Information system. This includes Secured and Unsecured supplemental, escaped, additional and corrected tax bills issued for property taxes on real property. This does not include personal (unsecured) property tax bills issued for boats, business equipment, aircraft, etc. View the E-Prop-Tax page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      700 H Street, Room 1710 (First Floor) (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      Secured Tax 916-874-6622 or e-mail     

      Unsecured Tax 916 874-7833 or e-mail 

      Additional Information

  • Public Assistance Guide to Self-Help
    • MyBenefits CalWINTrue

      ​MyBenefits CalWIN (BCW) is a quick and easy way to apply for CalFresh benefits, Medi-Cal and CalWORKs. When applying for CalFresh, please complete the on-line application as completely as possible. You will then be contacted for a phone interview.

      For Medi-Cal, your application will be completed by mail. You can apply for both, with the same application and will be contacted for a phone interview. These applications can be done completely by mail and you will not have to come into the office. You can also apply for CalWORKs (Cash aid for families) but will have to come into the office for an intake interview.

      There are programs you cannot use BCW for. You cannot use this system to apply for General Assistance, County Medically Indigent Services Program, Homeless, or if you are under 21 living with a parent or guardian and are requesting confidential medical services under Medi-Cal without your parent/guardian’s knowledge. You must come into our office to apply.  On the BCW ​screen select "Contact"  to request more information.​

    • Sacramento County Emergency Family Shelter Reservation ListTrue

      ​To be eligible for services at one of our emergency family shelters, your family must include at least one legal parent/guardian of children under the age of 18 or 19 and enrolled in high school. If your family is currently homeless and living in a car, tent, or somewhere unsafe, please continue to complete this registration. If you are currently housed but need support, please call 2-1-1 and ask to speak with someone about diversion assistance.

      If you have not created a reservation and would like to create a new one:
      Create New Reservation

  • Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District
  • Storm Monitoring
    • Creek LevelsTrue

      View the Creek Levels Report for information on current stream and creek levels for Sacramento County. The report is updated every 15 minutes and will refresh automatically every 5 minutes.

      Note: This report contains provisional data from automated gauges and has NOT been verified for accuracy.

      If you have questions, please contact us.

      Service Provided By:
      Water Resources
      827 7th Street, # 301 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      3-1-1 (Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311) or e-mail

    • Stream Gauge LocationsTrue

      View map of Stream Gauge Locations for more information. If you have questions, please contact us.

      To Report Water Service-Related Issues, call 3-1-1 (outside unincorporated county, call: 916-875-4311). 

      Service Provided By:
      Water Resources
      827 7th Street, # 301 (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      3-1-1 (Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311) or e-m​​ail

  • Street and Sidewalk Repair
    • Bridge MaintenanceTrue

      It is the Department of Transportation's goal to "maintain bridges to 'as constructed' standards, and maintain the adjacent waterways to keep them clear of obstructions." To do this, Bridge Repair can be divided into three categories: Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Replacement.
      ​For more information, view the Bridge Repair page.

      Service Provided By:
      4100 Traffic Way (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

    • Curb, Gutter, SidewalksTrue

      Sacramento County has a Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Maintenance program in place to identify and prioritize repair and replacement work as funding allows. View the Maintenance page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      4100 Traffic Way (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

    • Maintenance of RoadwaysTrue

      SACDOT’s Roadside Maintenance Program repairs and maintains miles of unpaved roadside shoulders, gravel roads, open ditches, fences/sound walls, steel guardrails, and walls. These maintenance activities allow: storm water to readily exit the roadway; eliminate obstructions and restore ditches to their proper shape; support the road structure and limit drop-offs from the edge of the pavement; and, maintain safety and retaining structures in an as-built condition. For more information, view the Maintenance of Roadways page.

      Service Provided By:
      4100 Traffic Way (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

    • Trees and Landscape MaintenanceTrue

      The SACDOT Trees and Landscape Maintenance Section has primary County-wide responsibility for maintaining trees and vegetation within the road right-of-way in the unincorporated area. The Sections' focus is public safety while promoting aesthetically pleasing and healthy landscaped areas. This maintenance includes County owned roadway frontages and medians, pedestrian walkways, sound walls, bike lanes, and overpasses. View the Trees and Landscape Maintenance page for more information.

      Service Provided By:
      4​100 Traffic Way (Map)
      Sacramento, CA 95827
      311 or Outside Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311

  • Voting and Elections