
  • Notifications
  • Preparedness
    • Emergency Plan

      ​Emergency plans and associated annexes are developed and maintained by the Office of Emergency Services. The Sacramento County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) addresses extraordinary emergency situations associated with human-caused disasters, natural disasters, technological incidents and/or emergencies, and national security incidents and/or emergencies affecting or within Sacramento County.

      Service Provided By:
      Sacramento Office of Emergency​ ​Services
      3720 Dudley Boulevard, Suite 122 (Map)
      McClellan, CA 95652
      (916) 874-4670​

    • Emergency Preparedness Information

      Sacramento Ready provides information about how you and your family can prepare for emergencies, including natural disasters and man-made events. Visit the Sacramento Ready website.

      Service Provided By:
      Sacramento Office of Emergency​ Services
      3720 Dudley Boulevard, Suite 122 (Map)
      McClellan, CA 95652
      (916) 874-4670