Sacramento County has received thousands of comments and suggestions about how to improve the North Watt Avenue Corridor, and we are looking for more before the end of August.
This spring, the Re-Imagine North Watt Corridor project began asking the public to submit their vision about how the corridor can be improved. Safety and better mobility for residents, students, commuters and visitors along the corridor are the project’s main goals.
The public is encouraged to help develop a new vision to address the safety of travelers on the bikeway and sidewalks, safety enhancements at intersections, transit stop amenities and other improvements. The goal is to reduce an area experiencing high traffic volume and speeding, along with vehicle collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists.
“The County was really happy to hear great ideas from so many people during the first phase of our public engagement process,” said Project Manager Cameron Shew. “Now we’re building on that effort with a newly updated comment map asking people to show us what types or improvements and amenities people would like to see along the corridor.”
Thousands have visited the
County’s project website since it launched in March. Visitors can drop pins on locations along the boulevard to point out things they would like to see in terms of road design, pedestrian and bike access, transit services and even amenities like landscaping and street furnishing. The website has been updated with virtual stations that people can visit to learn more about potential solutions. Users can also select and rank options that they like, as well as leave comments about their vision of the corridor.
There are also seven virtual stations focused on specific topics like roadway design and landscaping. Visitors can select and rank concepts that they like and leave more detailed comments if desired.
“We hope people will take the time to help us make this corridor better for everyone,” added Shew.
The public has until Aug. 30 to submit comments to the Re-Imagine North Watt project team. After the comments have been gathered, a public meeting will be held for residents to hear about how the public envisions an improved North Watt Avenue corridor.