With the 2022 June Primary rapidly approaching, Sacramento County reminds residents that all eligible voters have the right to vote, including a person who is experiencing homelessness. Unhoused persons can register to vote as long as they have a location where they can receive mail and be properly assigned to the voting precinct they spend most of their time – such as a shelter they are living in, or a shelter or provider nearby that will receive their mail. P.O. Boxes or business addresses cannot be used to register but can be used to receive mail.
If voters are unable to use an address when they register to vote, they must describe the location where they live so it is clear enough for our county elections officials to find their voting precinct. Cross streets, a park or a business address are great indicators of location. Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections (VRE) has a Locator Address Web Map, that is used to identify a valid ‘locator’ address that can be entered into EIMS (Election I Management System) or at a Vote Center for a conditional voter registration ballot, based on the unhoused voter’s description of where they live. It contains all precincts, ballot types and addresses. With the cross streets provided by the voter, we can locate their precinct and the correct ballot type for them.
We currently have nearly 450 voters that have identified themselves as unhoused that are actively registered to vote and aim to increase this number with additional outreach and education about our unhoused residents' right to vote.
For voters that missed the online registration deadline, they can register and vote at any Vote Center or County Office, by using a process called Conditional Voter Registration; also known as same-day voter registration.
There are three easy ways to vote in the June 7, 2022, Primary Election:
- By Mail: All registered voters received a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot inside the envelope provided, sign the envelope and return – your postage is paid!
- Vote Center: With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places were replaced with Vote Centers that are open for up to 11 days, including Election Day. This means voters can choose when, where and how they want to vote – at ANY Vote Center in the County. Avoid the lines, vote early!
- At the Vote Center, you can drop off your completed ballot OR vote in person.
- Drop Boxes: Voted/signed ballots may be placed in any of the 74 secure Drop Box locations throughout Sacramento County.
- When using a Drop Box, ensure that is an official, secure box provided by your County Election’s Office. All official County drop boxes are pink and have the Sacramento County wave logo on them!