The June 7 Primary Election is just days away and 18 Vote Centers open this Saturday, May 28 for people that would like to vote in person, need to register to vote (and cast their conditional ballot), those that need assistance in language, or to use the accessibility touch screen machines.
On Saturday, June 4, the remaining 69 Vote Centers open, giving voters 87 different locations to cast their ballot in person, register to vote, drop off a voted ballot or receive special assistance while they vote.
Remember, if you are not voting in person, ballots must either be dropped off in a drop box by 8 p.m. June 7 or postmarked June 7 through the mail to be counted. If you are voting in person, on Election Day, you must be in line to vote by 8 p.m.
Committed to a Safe and Secure Election
Electioneering, voter intimidation or any other disruptions at the Vote Centers will not be tolerated. Anyone that creates a disruption or breaks
Election code on electioneering at a Vote Center will immediately be requested to leave the property. Electioneering isn’t just talking to voters about candidates, propositions and measures. Electioneering also includes wearing clothing, hats or buttons depicting a specific candidate, proposition or measure. Voters that are wearing campaign material will be asked to remove it before allowing them to vote.
All ballots are transported to, processed and tabulated at our Registrar’s office. New this year, we are adding Apple AirTags to our ballot bags coming back from drop boxes and Vote Centers to ensure we always know where our ballots are located. Our tabulation machine room is secured, under 24-hour surveillance and has very limited access in and out. Once our staff starts tabulating ballots, we will have a 24/7 live stream camera in the tabulation room for security and transparency purposes. The live stream can be found on the
Elections website homepage.
Wondering if your ballot made it to our office and has been processed? Sign up for “
Where’s My Ballot” which will alert you when your Vote by Mail ballot is processed and signature checked by our staff.
Results – They Aren’t Final on June 7
While the first release of results happens after 8 p.m. on June 7, those results are in no way final. The county Elections Office began tabulating today - the first release of results will only be inclusive of early voting. All in-person voting on June 7, as well as drop box and Vote by Mail ballots received on June 7 and after will be tabulated and released in subsequent results. California allows for 29 days after the Election to certify the vote.
Vote: Pick a Way, ANY Way
Choose how, when and where you want to vote.
- By Mail: All registered voters received a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot inside the pink envelope provided, sign the envelope and return – your postage is paid!
- Vote Center: With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places were replaced with Vote Centers that are open for up to 11 days, including Election Day. This means voters can choose when, where and how they want to vote – at ANY Vote Center in the County. Avoid the lines, vote early!
- At the Vote Center you can drop off your completed ballot OR vote in person. There is even weekend voting!
- 18 Vote Centers open Saturday, May 28 for a full 11 days
- An additional 69 Vote Centers open for four days beginning June 4, 2022
- Eligible residents can also register to vote, update their registration and cast their ballot at a Vote Center, even on the day of the election.
- Drop box: Voted/signed ballots may be placed in any of the 74 secure Drop box locations throughout Sacramento County.
- When using a drop box, ensure that is an official, secure box provided by your County Election’s Office. All official County drop boxes are pink and have the Sacramento County wave logo on them!