The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors has adopted a resolution declaring a climate emergency and identifying the County’s efforts to mobilize and contribute towards a safe climate.
The resolution, brought forward by Board Chair and First District Supervisor Phil Serna and Second District Supervisor Patrick Kennedy, declared climate change an emergency requiring urgent action to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
“With this resolution, we are pledging to build on the County’s existing climate action commitments and take significant further steps to develop a climate plan that incorporates actions necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030,” said Serna. “This is a lofty goal that we’ll reach with regional collaboration involving multiple partners, including the engagement of community-based and grassroots organizations.”
“The Communitywide Climate Action Plan will be built on recommendations and analysis from community members and will be guided by science, data, best practices and equity concerns,” said Kennedy. “The need for immediate action is urgent, and the County has already seen the impacts to the region’s public health and safety, most recently with the extended wildfire season and resulting poor air quality and prolonged power outages.”
The resolution also states the County will establish, within 60 days of approval, a permanent Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force. The task force will be composed of climate experts, including representatives of the scientific and academic communities, to oversee the development and implementation of a climate emergency response plan.