Every 10 years the US Census Bureau counts every person living in the US. The information will help Sacramento County and our diverse communities receive our fair share of funding for programs and jobs that support schools, roads, hospitals and more. The census also provides data that helps communities plan for the future and secure our representation in government.
Participating in the census is easy. For the first time, you will be able to complete the survey online, and websites will be available in 12 languages.
You can also complete the census by phone, by mail, or in person. Local census assistance centers where you can get help will be announced in March.
The information you submit is 100 percent safe, secure and confidential. By law, your answers cannot be shared with other agencies or used against you. Violators can get up to five years in jail and/or a fine of $250,000.
To learn more about how the census impacts Sacramento County - including a list of some of the local projects which receive federal funding based on census figures -
visit the Census 2020 website.
Sacramento County is partnering with community-based organizations and public agencies to make sure everyone is counted, from newborn babies to the county’s eldest. If you want to get involved, sign up on the
NorCal Census website. You can help by sending out social media posts and encouraging family and friends to fill out the census as soon as they receive it.
Our community benefits the most when the census counts everyone. Be seen. Be heard. Get counted.
Your voice matters, and you can make sure you are heard when you receive a letter or postcard in mid-March inviting you to respond to the 2020 US Census Bureau survey. Every household should receive an invitation by Census Day, April 1, 2020.
- March 12 - Sacramento County residents begin receiving invitations by mail from the US Census Bureau
- March 26 - April 27 - Multiple reminder postcards and paper questionnaires in English and Spanish will be mailed to households who have not yet responded
- April 1 - National Census Day. All households will have received an invitation to complete the census questionnaire
- May 1 - July 31 - Households who have not completed a census survey will receive a phone call or an in-person visit by US Census Bureau enumerators
- July 31 - Census data collection is completed